This page includes the following sections:
Kilkenny County Library Service exists to make a difference. It is active in creating a better place to live, work and learn. Services and collections are developed to reflect Community needs.
Service Points
- Callan Castlecomer City Library
- John's Quay
- Library Headquarters and Local Studies
- Graiguenamanagh
- Loughboy
- Mobile Service
- Schools Service
- Thomastown
- Urlingford
Library Stock
Kilkenny County Library Service continues to evolve from traditional book lending to providing access to a world of information and lifelong learning in a multitude of formats, to people from all walks of life.
2007 saw an increased annual book fund of €235,000 for the users of our services. Apart from traditional books, we also offer users: newspapers, magazines, CD's, Cassettes, DVD's, Audio Books, Large print books and language courses in book and CD-ROM format.
Kilkenny City Library supports social inclusion by offering its multicultural users: language courses, international magazines and a dedicated world book collection, which consists of books in languages such as Polish, Russian, French, Lithuanian, Latvian, and Czech.
Service Developments
During 2007 opening hours at the City Library, John's Quay were increased to a total of 37 hours, including lunchtime opening and teatime opening on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Callan Library and Thomastown Library increased their opening hours from 12 and 16 to 23 and 25 hours respectively.
The Schools' Library Service was enhanced by the provision of a new accessible van, which visits all Primary Schools in the County, 3 times per year. Advanced PC Reliance - an offline laptop based Library system- was introduced on this service and teachers can now access their class accounts online via www.kilkennylibrary.ie
As part of the Library Services continuing development of online services, an Irish version of the Library Catalogue was also initiated in late 2007 at www.kilkennylibrary.ie
The Irish Times Digital Archive Service was launched by the Minster for Environment, Heritage and Local Government in October. Access is available free of charge to library users in all branches of Kikenny Library Service and in Kilkenny Local Studies Department via www.askaboutireland.ie . It provides a fully searchable exact reproduction of all issues of the Irish Times from 1859 onwards.
There are plans to provide access to Griffith Valuation online for the whole of Ireland and to Griffith Valuation Maps online through www.askaboutireland.ie in 2008 .
An enhanced version of the Ordnance Survey of Ireland Historic Map viewer Service was made available through library service points, including Lewis Topographical Dictionary and locations of genealogical and environmental data at www.irishhistoricmaps.ie
Thanks to recent initiatives in Bibliographic Services, Kilkenny County Library borrowers now have access to items not held by Kilkenny County Library and the holdings of all public libraries in Ireland. This inter-lending service is free to all registered library borrowers, through any PC with Internet access either at home or in any of our branches at www.borrowbooks.ie
The Library service has been an active participant in this scheme since its inception. In 2007 we borrowed 241 non-fiction items, 66 fiction and 7 non-book that had been requested by our borrowers from other libraries. In addition we lent 233 non-fiction books, 119 fiction and 16 non-book items to borrowers in other libraries in the Republic.
Access for All
The Library continues to address areas of service provision, removing barriers to service uptake and creating welcoming and accessible environments supported by appropriate services and formats.
In compliance with the Disability Act 2005 and Kilkenny County Council's Access programme, all 7 service points have now been audited re-accessibility. Funding received under the Disability Strategy Funding was invested in:
- Loughboy Library - New flooring with colour contrasting under accessibility guidelines.
- Improved lighting throughout the building.
- Ramp and handrail ordered.
- Accessible front door installed.
City Library
- Accessible shelving for children's section.
- Ramp tendered and builder chosen.
- Induction loop systems installed in all 7 service points.
- Investment in alternative formats - including audiobooks and large print- to develop a more accessible stock for the community.
- Staff handbook re-guidelines for dealing with people with disabilities completed by library staff adopted and issued to all council staff.
The Library Service were involved in the publications "A Newcomer's Guide to Kilkenny" and "A Newcomer's Guide to the South East". It is a lead agency in Kilkenny County Play Policy 2007-20012 and implementation plan. During 2008 the Library Service will begin a consultation process as part of the creation of a new 5 year Library Development Plan, which will inform future service development and delivery.
Local Studies
The Library Service continued to expand and diversify the range of services that we offer to the pubic in 2007. We have 319 registered members in local studies and 2,787 items were consulted.
The library continued to expand its outreach activities to new and existing members by hosting familiarisation evenings aimed at mature students, in our Local Studies Department and in the Maynooth Outreach Campus at St. Kieran's College.
To mark National Heritage Week, the Library mounted an exhibition of old photographs from the Graiguenamanagh area in the main City Library. A selection of these images is also available online at www.kilkennylibrary.ie
Castlecomer Library also hosted an exhibition of old photographs and images from the Castlecomer area. Local studies also offered an opportunity for families to come in and begin the process of researching their family-trees with help from staff.
The section has continued its ongoing indexing of local and historical journals. These will provide in-depth access to articles contained therein. It is hoped to largely complete this process in 2008.
The Library seeks to collect and acquire all items - irrespective of format - of Kilkenny interest. These include local and regional newspapers on microfilm and various genealogical aids both in book and electronic forms. Books still remain the backbone of our collection. An interesting title acquired this year was the Catalogue of the contents of Kilkenny castle sold at auction on 18th November, 1935.
Micheal O Muircheartaigh launched the Irish Life and Lore Series: Kilkenny Collection in 2007. This collection of 51 oral history recordings compiled by Maurice O'Keeffe and funded by Kilkenny County Library and Kilkenny Heritage Officer, was an opportunity to collect and preserve for posterity, stories of the people of Kilkenny. This collection is now a permanent archive and also a resource for future study for all, and is available in the City Library, John's Quay for borrowing, and in our Local Studies Dept., 6 Rose Inn Street for reference. A further collection of recordings is planned in 2008 with the emphasis on Kilkenny women.
At the launch of Irish Life and Lore series: Kilkenny Collection. Left to right, Library staff: Alicia Dunphy, Brenda Ward, Kay Cody,
Micheál O Muircheartaigh (Guest Speaker), Jim Fogarty (Co. Librarian), Dorothy O'Reilly,
Ellen O'Shea and Aisling Kelly
Highlights of our 2007 Programme
Kilkenny County Library Service was active in National and Local Library promotions and events during the year. There was a wide ranging programme between all branches.
The City Library
March as part of Readiscover/Library Ireland Week saw a photographic exhibition entitled "Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader" at the City Library. Readers from all walks of life were photographed with their favourite book - staff, borrowers, local business people, local celebrities, sports stars, etc. There was also a very successful coffee morning for Daffodil Day. In July there was a Poetry session by Anne Murphy - Kilkenny's answer to Pam Ayers and Animal Magic for children. During the Children's Book Festival in October there was a multimedia mask making workshop for Children and a multicultural storytelling session. Throughout the year there was an ongoing programme of Art and Craft exhibitions and a series of regular class visits by local primary schools. An information evening for ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) students was held in the City Library in December, in partnership with Word Aid. Over 20 students attended this introduction to their local library and the services it has to offer. It is hoped to hold more of these evenings in 2008.
Loughboy Library
Loughboy's Book Club "Riveting Reads" celebrated their second year, with an increase in new members, male and female. In March staff hosted a Daffodil Coffee Morning and in May for the "Bealtaine Festival" they had a full and varied programme of events including an Alzheimer's tea morning, a talk on entitlements, making a will, flower arranging, gardening and "Go for Life" activity for the older person. During Positive Ageing Week in October there was an exhibition of arts and crafts from members of KARA (Kilkenny Active Retirement Association) and poetry reading with Ann Murphy (Local Poet). There also was a visit from best selling Irish author Sheila O'Flanagan.
A Children's book club - which meets fortnightly - was introduced in February 2007, and now boasts 10 very enthusiastic members. During March for the launch of World Book Day there were over 15 class visits from all the local primary schools. There was a number of a number of free workshops during the year including "Every face tells a story", art class, Halloween crafts, Wildlife ranger, multicultural traditional stories and folklore, animal magic, puppet making and weaving.
Exhibitions and displays included "New Year's Resolutions", Valentine's Day - incorporating a romantic slogan competition, Fair Trade Display, Up Up and Away travel display etc. 'Through Girl's Eyes' was a Trocaire funded Photographic Exhibition showing how difficult life is living in a slum community in Delhi for young girls who have no opportunity to attend school. The exhibition culminated with a day long traditional Indian puppet show and an art activity workshop organised with local schools as part of our continued outreach programme.
Castlecomer Library
Some of the 2007 offerings at Castlecomer Library included: Relaxation classes, Pilates classes and Kindermusic classes for young children. A new Writers Group was launched in June, and the group produced a Play entitled "Clerical, Errors". Dublin author Neville Thompson facilitated. Author Zoltan Zinn Collis met with many groups when he recalled his life and times since he survived the horrors of Auchwitz. The local Afterschools club participated in a 10 week programme devised by staff. For the Bealtaine Festival, 5 local Primary Schools produced 100 photo essays entitled "Memories are made of this". These were copied to CD-ROM and returned to the schools. A most popular event was the display of medals and memorabilia from the Special Olympics in Shanghai.
Kilkenny Hurler Michael Kavanagh and local medalists Fergal Bolger, Jane Saunders and Joe Walsh
Urlingford Library
In Urlingford Library, a Saturday morning Art Class was run for children and an After Schools group - 4 days a week - catering for 10 children. In November the first meeting of their Reading group took place with 20 attending. This has proved to be a very popular venture. Authors Claire Dowling who hails from nearby Johnstown, and children's author Vincent McDonnell visited during the year.
Perhaps the big event of the year for many young Soccer fans was a tribute to Shane Long in June 2007. Shane plays for Reading FC and Ireland. He is a local lad who borrowed many a book from the Library before his career took off!
Left to right: Library Staff: Mary Morrissey, Kay O'Dywer (Bank of Ireland), Annette Purcell,
Shane Long (Guest), Helen Muldowney and Eddie Mullally
Graiguenamanagh Library
Graiguenamananagh Library was a venue for a variety of activities and organisations throughout the year. Graiguenamanagh Historical Society held a series of talks by guest speakers. Graiguenamangh Book Club 'The Novel Chicks' was set up by Library staff. It now has 14 members and meetings are on the first Tuesday of every month. A one day conference, part of the Ireland Newfoundland Festival of the Sea, was held in the library on June 29th. With participants from Newfoundland and the South East of Ireland. There was music in the Library during the Duiske Concert held on June 30th and a Feile Freaney concert held in the library September 29th. For the Town of Books weekend, the library hosted a meet and greet authors session. While there was also storytelling and musical entertainment for children during Kilkenny Arts Festival with Cath Arran. During the Readers and Writers weekend in Graiguenamanagh children's authors Vincent McDonnell and Don Conroy visited.
Don Conroy and Shane Byrne
Thomastown Library
The Children's Book Club for 5th and 6th class pupils met on a regular basis through the year. Joe Doyle, local historian, gave a talk in the library in August. He spoke about the Heritage and History of Thomastown. In July poetry lovers were delighted when Kilkenny based writer, Anne Murphy, gave a reading from her newly published work "Thinking Allowed". For children, the visiting Animal Magic Show introduced a python, a boa constrictor and a lizard among other exotic creatures to customers. Other personalities to visit were children's author Oisin McGann, poet Brian Moses, wildlife ranger Lorcan Scott and storyteller/musician Toby Kinsella.
Callan Library
Storytime for local crèches took place on a regular basis throughout the year. In collaboration with Colaiste Eaman Ris, the library organized a visit to the school by adult and children's author Re O'Laighleis in October. While a new Children's Book Club was launched during Readiscover your Library week.
'Hang out and read':
Washing lines of gaily coloured paper t-shirts and dresses adorned our libraries during the summer months, as part of the Summer reading scheme for children entitled 'Hang Out and Read'. Each child had to colour in a t-shirt or dress for each book read. The scheme was a great success. 550 reading cards were given out throughout the County.
Statistics: 2007 :
- 21,733 library members
- 321,975 Items loaned
- 31,364 Internet Sessions
- 17,860 website visits
Kilkenny City and County has an extensive, illustrious and spirited tradition within the Arts. It is somewhat of a Mecca for artists, makers and those interested in culture and creativity. The Arts continue to be a significant ingredient in Kilkenny largely contributing to the progression of the social, cultural, creative, economic, and political future of Kilkenny.
The Arts Office programme reflects this in its support for the arts across all disciplines and for all aspects of the community both practitioners and audiences, also in its provision of professional development services for practitioners.
The Arts Office continues its commitment to the visual arts and currently organises a busy programme of exhibitions, in the Upstairs Gallery in Watergate Theatre and No. 72, John Street. These venues offer artists platforms to expose their work not only to the 'gallery visitor' but they also catch the chance interaction of those who would not normally visit a gallery space. Shows range from groups and individual artists both established and early career artists.
The Arts Office hosted 14 exhibitions across four venues in 2007. Exhibitions include group shows and individual artists both established and those early in their careers. Artists included - Brid Moynihan, an Leabhar Mor, Coilin Rush, a group show of Female Illustrators including Annie West, Grainne Finn, Anna Turpin, Karen Nolan, Jolien Hampson, Evanna O' Boyle, Siobhan Gately, Una Gildea and Orla Roche, Caroline Byrne, Joyce Little, Tracy Sweeney, Patrick Horan and local Kilkenny group KK2000. Over the duration of the Kilkenny Arts Festival the Arts Office hosted exhibitions by recent graduates Lena Bolger, Sheena Kelly and Amanda O'Dwyer in the Watergate. Also the exhibition OLMO/ LEAMHÁN/ ELM, took place at no. 72 John Street, artists Saturio Alonso, Alan Counihan and Derek Whitticase, three sculptors from Spain, Ireland and England used the near disappearance of a tree species as an opportunity to engage in a reflection about death, space, myth, topography and ecology in an exhibition originally staged in Spain. Jason Oddy exhibited a series of Photographs at the new Livestock Mart in Cillin Hill and Niamh McCann was commissioned to produce a piece for Re-Produced. Finally approximately 8,500 magnificent postcards filled the walls of No. 72 for POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE 2 exhibition. These art works arrived from all over Kilkenny City and County but also from as far a field as England, Scotland, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Malaysia, Germany and Australia. Children as young as two and three created work along side a number of professional artists, photographers craftspeople etc.
Poem by Ciodhna Murphy
Two visual artist's residencies focusing on painting and installation with artists Stephane Kiszak and Hugh McCarthy were undertaken in 2007. Artist's residencies are extremely important as they tend to have a lasting impact on the artists ranging from substantial shifts in their work and or in the direction of their practice. Overall they also offer artists that much needed period of contemplation and reassessment. Stephane's intention was to create a series of paintings developing a new technique of his incorporating collage, computer manipulation and paint on canvas. In his work Hugh McCarthy combined elements of popular culture and abstraction to create art that not only investigates the studio practice but also simultaneously explored personal and universal issues in contemporary society.
Notable literature events have once again taken place through the Arts Office in 2007. The Kilkenny Poetry Broadsheet involving professional editors in selecting poems from writers within the city and county is a very popular publication. 2007 saw issue seven appear on the shelves. The poetry Broadsheet provides the opportunity for writers to engage in a selection process in order to get their work published. This publication is extremely popular, gratifying and encouraging for many local writers and readers alike. The third edition of Rhyme Rag, a poetry publication specifically for young people aged between 12 and 21 years, was published in November. All expectations were exceeded when 264 poems were submitted by 161 writers making the editor John W. Sexton's decision a good read but a difficult choice. Taking the form of a comic book, once again illustrator Ale Mercado successful balances literal interpretation of words and the intervention of the illustrator. Rhyme Rag continues to grow annually in popularity with young people and adults alike and is, like the broadsheet, extremely gratifying and encouraging for young talent within the County.
The Arts Office supported a number of concerts over the year around the County. These include classical and traditional concerts at the 13th century Duiske Abbey, the 2007 Duiske concerts series, the Elizabeth Maconchy Project at the Parade Tower Kilkenny Castle and support was also provided to Music in Kilkenny staging events in Castalia Hall in Ballytobin, Callan.
Camerata Ireland, the island of Ireland chamber orchestra, undertook a Residency in April and May 2007 which included visits to 7 Kilkenny schools for 9 schools workshops, 1 open rehearsal and 3 coaching sessions for young instrumentalists as well as giving two public concerts. The Residency co-ordinated by Kilkenny County Council Arts Office, with the support of the Arts Council of Ireland, bears out our commitment to provide musical educational development and create partnerships both in the region and nationally. The Residency, in collaboration with Camerata Ireland, aimed to create access for new audiences to, and appreciation for, classical music. The Residency was also part of conductor Barry Douglas commitment to fostering the talents of young players and encouraging greater participation in classical music throughout the island of Ireland. This Residency supported the orchestra's own annual Clandeboye Festival in August in Co Down, which holds a series of masterclasses for young players from north and south to select an overall winner who is given performance opportunities with the orchestra over the following year.
Multi-Disciplanary Events
Re-produced was an expansion of Re-production held as part of Kilkenny Arts Festival 2006. Our focus for Re-Produced events is to present wild alternative experiences of untamed, bizarre and curious art. We aim to introduce audiences to new concepts by providing exposure to and involvement in creative interactions.
For 2007 the focus of Re-Produced was on the concept of de-construction and intervention utilising performance and visual art in non- permanent spaces with multi disciplinary events which proved once again extremely popular. A focussed day of events included performances, installations, films, dancers, DJs and visual arts by leading national and internationally based artists. Belgian artist Gwendoline Robin used explosives strapped to her body to create stunning visual effects and tension. U.K. based photographer Jason Oddy photographed the existing Mart site and presented his visual imagery on site post demolition. Canadian artist Alexis O'Hara performed her eclectic mix of spoken word and music. Nicky Gogan, Director of Darklight film festival was commissioned to programme a film series on site. Irish artist Niamh McCann was also commisioned to respond visually to the site. U.K. based talking birds returned with the whale, an on site whale installation hosting three minute performances for an audience of 1. Also presented was live music with Dublin musician Cathy Davey, aswll as v.j's and d.j's late into the evening.
May 2007 saw an extraordinary and moving event set in the empty pens and auction rooms of Kilkenny's Livestock Mart. The Last Lot was a series of performances which gave the people of Kilkenny one last look at a significant and much loved landmark before the site is totally transformed. It was a collaboration between UK based Talking Birds, Kilkenny County Councils Arts Office, and various artists and arts groups in the Kilkenny city and county. Performances drew on some of the important stories in the mart's history giving audiences a stunning and unexpected theatrical experience, a celebration, and a chance to say goodbye. We had a number of wonderful responses, such as:
"That was so well done yesterday! I really and truly enjoyed the whole thing. I'm only sorry that more people couldn't have had the experience."
"Congratulations!! I thought it was excellent... really enjoyed wandering around listening to the stories... the choir at the end were wonderful too".
"The Last Lot, was such a fantastic production and a perfect tribute to the closure of the mart... A true community event and must have been a major undertaking. So a big THANK YOU."
Community Childcare Residency
Kilkenny County Council Arts Office believes that access and engagement in the arts both as participants and consumers is hugely beneficial to adults and children alike. The experience of participating in high quality professionally run workshops should be part of all children's education. Therefore in 2007 the Arts Office ran a Community Childcare Residency. Approximately eighteen women from city and county childcare groups completed a week of training in music, visual arts, story telling and drama, providing training, a platform for discussion in addressing the needs of crèches as well as the opportunity to meet and network with other childcare providers. Overall the training has been mutually beneficial to the artists, the workers, the children and the Arts Office and it has further enhanced relationships between all involved.
Working in partnership, Kilkenny County Council Arts Office and the Butler Gallery Kilkenny, hosted the fifth in the series of MOOT discussions, debates and seminars. MOOT is a continuous creative process providing a forum for powerful, focused and inspirational debates and discussion on a variety of subject matters. MOOT V was the first in a four part series that will investigate the role of artists in engaging communities and raising awareness of environmental issues. An open format event, artists, environmentalists and the general public were invited to question how arts and culture can contribute to addressing environmental concerns and promote change to more sustainable ways of living.
Another partnership, Kilkenny County Council Arts Office, the Butler Gallery, Kilkenny, and the Crafts Council of Ireland developed FACT - a program for designer makers and fine artists working in post primary level schools. This project facilitates the sharing of skills between visual artists and designer, encouraging a cross-pollination of skills between practitioners, while also serving to align fine art and craft practices and promotes the visual arts, craft and design as a realistic career option to students. Finally it improves visual literacy in schools and is mutually beneficial for the artists, students, teachers and all partners.
Kilkenny Film Club
The Kilkenny Film Club was initiated in 2007 and has been hugely successful to date. It showed its first film in September 2007 to an audience of 140 with a further three films shown in October, November and December. There is a very obvious hunger for alternative cinema in Kilkenny and in order to meet the needs of our audience Kilkenny Film Club will continue to show films on a monthly basis in the coming year.
Grants, Awards & Busaries
Various groups and projects secured funding through the Arts Office in 2007. These include the Arts Act Grant, Facilitation Award, Drama League of Ireland Bursary, Tyrone Guthrie Bursary and Dingle Writing Bursary. New to 2007 was the Drama League of Ireland Bursary. The aim of the Bursary is to promote and foster all aspects of amateur drama in Kilkenny, both acting and emerging amateur drama practitioners.
2007 saw the consolidation of almost two years of research and development in the professional development needs of artists brought to fruition, with the official commencement of Artlinks.
Based on a partnership between the County Council Arts Departments of Wexford, Wicklow, Carlow, Kilkenny and Waterford, and supported by the Arts Council, ArtLinks delivered an exciting range of new initiatives for creative practitioners in these five counties in the South East region. Key achievements include:
- Appointment of a Full Time Director.
- Roll out of seventeen courses, offering a broad range of topics to cover both the business and practice of being a creative practitioner.
- Initiation of inaugural €40,000 Bursary Award Scheme.
- Development of the impressive Artlinks website - www.artlinks.ie acting as an effective information resource for the arts in the five county region.
Artlinks was officially launched in spectacular style at the Parade Tower, Kilkenny during November 2007 by Dr. Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin, Professor of Music, University of Limerick.
County Kilkenny Heritage Office
The role of the Kilkenny County Council Heritage Office is to provide advice and information on heritage issues and to develop policies and priorities for the identification, protection, conservation and enhancement of Kilkenny's heritage. A key objective is to work with the Kilkenny Heritage Forum in the preparation and implementation of a County Heritage Plan. In addition, the office promotes heritage awareness & education throughout the county.
Below is an overview of some of the works undertaken by the Heritage Office in 2007:
Heritage Plan & Heritage Forum
- Implemented the following projects from the Kilkenny Heritage Plan (Draft).
- Heritage Appraisal of the Draft County Development Plan 2008 - 2014.
- Market Research report on Heritage Awareness and Attitudes in County Kilkenny.
- Report on the Geological Heritage of County Kilkenny, in association with the Geological Survey of Ireland.
- Village Design Statements for Tullaroan, and Newmarket/Hugginstown.
- Co-ordinated 3 Heritage Forum meetings.
Raising Awareness about Heritage
- Co-ordinated and promoted National Heritage Week activities throughout the county.
- Promotion of Heritage Council "Heritage in Schools" Programme.
- Oversaw the appointment of a part-time Field Monument Advisor, with part funding from the Heritage Council.
Heritage Training
- Co-ordinated "Historic Graveyard Management Training Seminar" for community groups, graveyard committees, local authorities and statutory agencies.
Collection of Heritage Data
- Commissioned and launched the Life & Lore Series: Kilkenny Oral History Project I, in partnership with Kilkenny County Council Libraries section.
- Commissioned a study to identify themes, storylines an collections for a proposed museum.
Heritage Policy
Input on heritage aspects and heritage policy in Draft County Development Plan 2008 - 2014 Input on heritage aspects of Local Area Plans Prepared heritage submission on the new LEADER plan, in partnership with the Kildare Heritage Officer, BNS LEADER and KELT LEADER Reported to Strategic Policy Committee 5 (Arts, Culture, Heritage, Tourism and Education) regarding heritage projects and programme Physical Heritage Management Projects.
- Undertook surveying, conservation and repair works to Kilkenny City Walls (Talbot's Tower, Black Friars Arch, Rothe House City Wall) in partnership with the Engineering section of Kilkenny Borough Council, and with financial support from the Irish Walled Towns Network.
- Chaired the garden restoration steering committee that oversaw the restoration of the Rothe House 17th Century Garden.
- Co-ordinated the Kilkenny County Council Historic Graveyard Grants Scheme, in partnership with Environment Section.
Promoting Best Practise in Heritage Management.
- On-going implementation of "St. Mary's Church and Graveyard Conservation Plan", in partnership with the Church of Ireland and the Heritage Council.
- On-going implementation of "Kilkenny City Walls Conservation Plan".
- On-going implementation of Rothe House Conservation Plan.